Friday, March 10, 2006


…that the majority of my countrymen are complete and total idiots. Not that there was not plenty of evidence before, but this is the kind of thing that makes me hold my head in my hands and sigh and finally admit that stupidity is too strong a force to be overcome by mere intelligence. The meek minded have inherited the earth.

A Gallup poll released a couple of days ago shows that more than half of Americans agree with the statement: “God created man exactly the way the Bible describes it.”

More than half. I am still in shock. The implications of how poorly educated we are and how exceedingly gullible are mind-boggling.

According to the poll, old people and Republicans are more likely than their younger or Democrat counterparts to think that Darwin’s proven theory of evolution is a pile of poo, but the telling difference comes with education.

“God created man exactly the way the Bible describes it.” In agreement: 58% of those with only a high school diploma; 25% of those with post-graduate degrees.

The poll was taken last September and asked the question like this:

Which of the following statements comes closest to your views on the origin and development of human beings? Human beings have evolved over millions of years from other forms of life and God guided this process. Human beings have evolved over millions of years from other forms of life, but God had no part in this process. OR, God created human beings in their present form exactly the way the Bible describes it.
(The options were rotated.)

12% believe in evolution without a god;
31% believe in evolution with God’s guidance; and
53% believe the Bible is literal fact.

Oh, good lord.


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