Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Live free or die

There are some weird state mottos. Now that I have signed up to move to the state with the best motto, I decided to research what some of the other states had to say for themselves.

Best motto
New Hampshire: Live free or die

Good mottos
Alabama: Audemus jura nostra defendere - We dare defend our rights
Delaware: Liberty and independence
Iowa: Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain

Mottos that somehow missed the mark
Indiana: The crossroads of America
- sorry, sounds like a shopping mall
Kansas: Ad astra per aspera – To the stars through difficulty
- 1950s advert or communist slogan
New Mexico: Crescit eundo - It grows as it goes
- what the fuck does that mean?
Oklahoma: Labor vincit omnia – Work conquers all
- my favourite - Arbeit macht frei
Washington: Al-ki (Chinook) - By and by
- mañana?


Anonymous said...

There was a good article (that I can't find to post) about how numerous states are rebelling against the recent eminent domain ruling. I guess the original ruling gave the states a lot of discretion and because of the backlash a lot of elected officials are afraid to support it.

Monkey's Max said...

SS, I just googled: eminent domain ruling backlash. A lot of different articles came up from all different sources. Good stuff.

Monkey's Max said...

Try this one:

Anonymous said...

Who the hell are you and who cares about OZ?! We're talking about America here, get it? Numero uno!