Monday, August 15, 2005

DD Takes Max to the Nature

Here I am in Denver.

On Saturday, DD took me to Seven Falls in Colorado Springs. The weather was cool and overcast, which was absolutely perfect for an outing to the nature. We first went up the mountain elevator to the observation platform overlooking the falls and the canyon. Absolutely stunning scenery. We took the lift back down again rather than descending the 184 steps as I wanted to save myself for the bigger unavoidable steps.

Then we fed the giant trout that live at the bottom of the falls. When DD listed all of the reasons for visiting Seven Falls, he finished with “…and you get to feed the fish.” DD really likes the fish. The fish too seemed enthusiastic at first as they hungrily lunged for the “fish chow” (DD’s words) but then I think they got bored. DD and I threw in the last of our trout food and walked over to the falls and the steps. Photos over on DD’s blog:

There are 224 steps up to the top of the falls. They are metal and steep and a bit too open for comfort but I was brave, and I had DD behind me. We rested briefly on the 2 landings; the steps were actually not as difficult as I had anticipated (Max is not smoking at all in the America). DD made sure that I took photos. We then walked on the trail back to Midnight Falls; it was all beautiful. DD shared his knowledge of the nature and told me stories about bears and the park service.

From Seven Falls, we headed to Garden of the Gods, which is comprised of dramatic red sandstone rock formations. There we watched a pair of climbers scale a nearly vertical rock face properly, and contrasted their activities to the rescue of two reckless kids that was going on about 30 metres to their left.

Finally we drove back home to Denver for a siesta before going out to a party in the evening. Thanks again for a fabulous day, DD.

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