Wednesday, October 26, 2005

To Vote or Not to Vote

I have been mulling over the “vote – don’t vote” debate for a while now. Last November when it was seriously pointed out to me for the first time that voting was a bad idea because it was merely buying into the system, I didn’t accept the argument. Like most people I know, I was brought up to believe that voting was a right I had to exercise, that not voting was giving up my voice, that change could be brought about from within the system.

Of course I was also told never to “throw away my vote” by voting for a 3rd party candidate, which is so totalitarian that I can hardly believe I ever bought into it.

I have been reading on the subject of not voting, especially the non-voting archives at Strike The Root and Lew Rockwell:

The essays made little sense to me at first, and I did not like the way some of the writers dismissed people who vote as stupid – I still think that is unfair. But I kept thinking about the issue and debating it in my head (in a slightly schizophrenic manner), and I have finally come to some conclusions:

My votes, and I have cast many since I turned 18, have never made a difference.

Our system of government does not work and it is never going to work. The system cannot be changed from within because it is too corrupt.

Voting for the lesser of two evils makes no sense. Voting for a 3rd party candidate is not productive because you are still endorsing the system thereby perpetuating its counterfeit legitimacy.

There are many other arguments for not voting as I found through my exploration of the non-voting archives. If you don’t believe me, go have a look for yourself.


Anonymous said...

I am certainly not an apoligist for the old US of A but it's not your country ("Our system of government..." as long as you live abroad. Just the same as when we were in Israel thinking how could American Jews dare criticize Israeli policies when they wont come live here and affect change.


Monkey's Max said...

B -
First of all, I do not feel that place of residence makes a difference to a person's right to find fault with a government or its policies. It is more about knowledge and information.
Your analogy is no good anyway because I am a citizen of the US no matter where I live.

Monkey's Max said...

Riggs, what are you talking about?

Anonymous said...

Legally yes, you area a US citizen, but you voted with your feet. You cannot have it both ways, so there's no reason for your angst.


Anonymous said...

Presuming you are mulling this over in anticipation of the November 8 special election in California, I say vote.

Ahnuld and his cronies have set this special election to steal the voices of teachers and workers, gerrymander Democrats into innercity ghetto voting districts to increase the Republican majority in Congress and chip away at abortion rights.

They could never get these measures past a regular electorate and set the special knowing that turnout would be sparse. They are counting on a heavy turnout of the religious right and for people like you to stay home. Don't let them get away with it.

Monkey's Max said...

B, I can have it both ways. I can have whatever I want.

Skeeter, I didn't know that was the Libertarian party logo - I just liked the design. And I understand what you are saying about voting, but I just don't believe it anymore. One of the articles I read was very interesting in that it gave credence to both the libertarian (non-voting) and Libertarian (voting) approaches. Everyone has to do what feels right to them.

Asshole, as far as making a statement - my ballot never gets looked at anyway. They only open the absentee/postal ballots if the vote is close enough that they could make a difference. Anyway, the last election was rigged.

Anon, I was not even considering voting this November. But Arnold did send me a jumbo-sized postcard telling me which way I should vote on the issues.

For more discussion on the topic, please feel free to visit DD's blog (link on right). Or, of course you are welcome to post more comments here.

Anonymous said...

I find it hard to vote because I never who to vote for when it comes to voting for a particular party in canada. I voted liberal because Stephen Harper reminds me too much of Bush and thought what the heck, give Pauly a chance. I also vote because feminists back in the 60`s burned bras and faught for my right as a women to vote. I can`t let them down, even when the candidates are discouraging.
So Max the next time you are called to vote, just do it for all those women who faught to give you this right.

Monkey's Max said...

Chatsy - different time, different world.